Friday, November 19, 2010

How was Samhain?

Our Samhain went Wonderfully! We had a bonfire, of course. We did a 2 night ritual. The boys learned again, as they do every year of Jack O'Lantern. Including why we use pumpkins now instead of turnips which were originally used for Jack O'Lanterns. The kids also learned what the meaning of dressing up, and going from house to house is about. That it too is like a ritual from long ago. People left out goodies for the spirits to pass their house by, hense the words Trick Or Treat.
It all led into All Souls day of the dead. Where they are educated and we do the march of forgotten souls, putting pumpkins on forgotten graves.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mabon ritual

It went beautiful. My boys learned what it was really about. Mabon is the second of three harvest holidays. We had potato soup to honor the day. Baked potatoes as part of the ritual. Ate of bread, and drank of juice. (and rootbeer). Undisturbed and even a neighbor came to join in the festivities. The kids done drawings for a bit about it during school, and writing about it. Of course reading about it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Feast of Lights

This is an Ancient Egyptian celebration. You have a fire (In our case candles) and go put them in front of graves. Use this time to meditate on the dead, and the God and Goddess in charge of the dead. It comes on September 14th. So tonight I will be going out with family and friends, and we shall celebrate this in our own way.
If you cannot go out and do this tonight, maybe plan for next year, and light a candle and concentrait on those who have passed on, and those who guide them there.
Love and Light to everyone!
Now would also be a good time to have a question and answer session with the kiddos about death and dying!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Practice Practice Practice

We did Pagan Pride Day this past weekend. What it consisted of with my boys was practice of their parts. Quentin being the West, and Ashton casting a circle. They worked really hard. Everyone was extremely impressed at our family based coven. The funny part was that while everyone was nervous, it all seemed to just fall into place. As if a higher spirit (Goddess maybe, lol) was watching over us all. It was wonderful!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sorry for going so long

Our little guy was born June 4th. A little early, but he is great!
Back to business, School restarted August 9th. Actually we have started this year off with a bang. Our family based coven is going to be doing a closing ritual at Pagan Pride day. The kids are excited about that. We are using some school time to talk over and figure out what we are going to do for our public ritual!
How we celebrate the Harvest holidays, and how many there are. Recently we have also done a Greek Gods and Goddesses crossword, which contained facts about them too.
Don't forget the word search we also done.
There is also a Mabon course for learning about the Harvest holiday that I am going to sign up for to help the children!
I hope this helps you!!!! Let me know what you think!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Life Cycle

A little experiment. At the end of Samhain, when your pumpkins/JackOlanterns are dying, mychildren talked with me. Instead of doing the ordinarytrashing of the pumpkins, we made a pumpkin graveyard to the side of the house, where we dug out our bushes. Compost, they are dying, they return to the earth. From that through the winter, we get the whole death and into the soil. From that, clearing out in the spring,you should get little budlings. Then by Halloween you should have your own pumpkin. A lesson about the cycle of life!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Death and dying!

It's been a whle. There are reasons. On March 31 my husband's mother died. It was complicated, and he had to make the decision to pull her off of life support and let her go.
The kids were close to her, especially Anakin, our 4yo. How to explain death to a child? Well we're really open about it. Right now her ashes are on the mantel. Overall, what I recommend is... the Pagan book of Living and Dying. It really is an amazing book, with amazing prayers. It covers every aspect of death, in a clear and precise way too. Even my 10yo can read and understand it.